Installation (thin clear industrial curtain hanged with wires painted with fluorescent pigments, boat, lifejackets, printed reflective vests, golden space blankets, printed sash, cut-out, glow in the dark stars, black light, fog machine, stainless steel floor fans), 250x200 cm. (curtain), 250x200x300 cm. (installation), 2021

GIF by Lluís Lipp

Pictures and video by Oona Zyman
Used with permission Mister International Spain
Simulant les ones, The eyes of the sea, com un portal dimensional, evoca el viatge migratori africà i l’esperança. Amb un element sorpresa, la vida de Keita, Mister International Tarragona 2020, pren protagonisme, i els seus ulls ens captiven. Blau. Mar. Supervivència. Una història. Una experiència. Els ulls que són el mar i el mar que és el viatge. Desconstrucció intencionada de l’obra de Géricault, El rai de la Medusa (1818-19), la instal·lació també critica, mitjançant l’onomatopeia, l’odi al discurs polític.
Simulando las olas, The eyes of the sea, como un portal dimensional, evoca el viaje migratorio africano y la esperanza. Con un elemento sorpresa, la vida de Keita, Mister International Tarragona 2020, toma protagonismo, y sus ojos nos cautivan. Azul. Mar. Supervivencia. Una historia. Una experiencia. Los ojos que son el mar y el mar que es el viaje. Deconstrucción intencionada de la obra de Géricault, La balsa de la Medusa (1818-19), la instalación también critica, mediante la onomatopeya, el odio en el discurso político.
Simulating the waves, The eyes of the sea, like a dimensional portal, evokes the african migration journey and the hope. With a surprise element, the life of Keita, Mister International Tarragona 2020, takes center stage, and his eyes captivate us. Blue. Sea. Survival. A story. An experience. The eyes that are the sea and the sea that is the journey. Intentional deconstruction of Géricault’s work, The Raft of the Medusa (1818-19), the installation also criticizes, through an onomatopoeia, the hate in political speech.
Social Lubricant and Water Politics, Art Flânerie, 2-10.7.2021, Kunstbogen, Vienna, Austria, organised by the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to Central Europe, from an exclusive reference text written by Albert Sánchez Piñol, BARCELONA, anys 20: Les polítiques de l’aigua; les aigües de la política. Curated by Georgij Melnikov, Ale Zapata, Lluís Lipp, Justina Špeirokaitė, Oona Zyman.
official statements XX Art Flânerie +info Social Lubricant and Water Politics
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Thanks to Oona and Lluís, Julián Gabaldón for the Keita’s image permission, the seamstress and Cristina for the curtain by Toldisol, Xavier from Cosetes i tu for the vests, Jofre and Pere from Copisteria Solé for the cut-out, Wanapix for the sash and Manel from Mailboxes for the shipment
Thanks to every good heart who has collaborated with the project