3/1/25 happynewyear!

27.1 FULL 50 songs playlist IMMACULATE collection DJ WILLIAM DOTVILLE (-1 stockhausen’s studie I remix by me)

22.1 8/2/24 18.00h opening Lo New Pub Joan Brossa Foundation

design by David Ricart Andreu

17.1 nice year 2024!

3.12 Lo New Pub goes to Joan Brossa Foundation

11.11 discover 17 new songs from the playlist “DJ WILLIAM DOTVILLE”

9.10 disco gallery & 10 first songs

listen to the first 10 songs of the playlist::: 

7.10 19.30h Opening “Lo New Pub”, Lo Pardal, Agramunt

design by David Ricart Andreu

30.9 18h. BUY NOW!!! Presentation of the catalogue Simon Contra. Misticisme tecnopop Centre d’art La Panera, with Christian Alonso


7.10 19.30h. Opening Agramunt Lo Pardal

08.23 Agramunt “Endless Summer Residency” 🐜️🐜️🐜️🐜️🐜️

opening October 7th 2023

09.23 Cooking... Misticisme tecnopop catalog with Centre d’art La Panera Publications


Misticisme tecnopop
Centre d'Art la Panera
Plaça Panera, 2, 25002 Lleida
A cura de Christian Alonso



26.12.2022 ︎🏁️


31.10.2022 full video#compintarlaboiraalaportella

28.10.2022 #compintarlaboiraalaportella, teaser video Veu: Miriam Charles

19.10.2022 full parrilla #compintarlaboiraalaportella

16.10.2022 com pintar la boira meets la boira de lleida

11.10.2022 🤫 #secretproject22 Declassified
18.9.2022 🤫 #secretproject23 Declassified

19.7.2022 Coming publication in Bloomsbury, co-author with Carles Salazar, titled The Bloomsbury Handbook of Ecstatic Religion, introducing Viatge a lo sublim


22.1.2022 Participation in COCA 22, 2n Congrés Català d’Antropologia, 28/1/2022 9:30, classroom B3, Universitat de Girona

Devocions inesperades en trajectòries religioses interculturals: evolució o història?
Communication: Tokens, indexes and impossible objects. On the embodied and uncanny spirituality of popular religion, along with Carles Salazar.
Including the research for Viatge a lo sublim (2020), art history thesis for Universitat de Lleida, tutored by Carles Salazar.

28.12.2021 Simon Contra: etnografias de um jovem artista, interview/article by Henrique Grimaldi Figueredo in Todas as Artes. Revista Luso-Brasileira de Artes e Cultura from the Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto

2.8.21 Installation of the time capsule from the boundary cross in the Museu Comarcal de l’Urgell-Tàrrega, until 12/8/21


29/7/2021 20:00h. Museu Comarcal de l’Urgell-Tàrrega

16.7.21 Official ad ECTCTT + info

10.7.21 Filmmaking of a new mid-length documentary called EXP.CAPSULA.TEMPS.CREU.TERME.TRG, searching a time capsule buried in 1955, in the basement of a copy of a term cross in Tàrrega, for the Urgell County Archive ACUR

17.6.21 official statementsXX Art Flânerie +info Social Lubricant and Water Politics, curated by Georgij Melnikov, Ale Zapata, Lluís Lipp, Justina Špeirokaitė, Oona Zyman

1   2   3   4

11.6.21 official line up XX Art Flânerie

5.6.21 official promo XX Art Flânerie, 2-10.7.2021, where the exhibition Social Lubricant and Water Politics will take place, Kunstbogen, Vienna, Austria, organised by the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to Central Europe, from an statement written by Albert Sánchez Piñol, BARCELONA, anys 20: Les polítiques de l’aigua; les aigües de la política. Curated by Lluís Lipp and Oona Zyman

2.6.21 reactivated the creation and research residency program at ACUR 2020 (Urgell County Archive), postponed to this june and july 2021, about a supposed time capsule found in the basement of a francoist boundary cross in Tàrrega. The result will be an investigative mid-length documentary about what happened. Stay tuned

25.5.21 read & travel, under academic license CC BY-NC-ND 3.0, “Viatge a lo sublim”, bachelor of art history thesis,a (new) new romantic and religious tribute to Lleida & els Pallars, through relics, virgins, a hand, crosses & stones. Special thanks to Carles Salazar

2.5.21 participation with a new work titled The eyes of the sea, in an exhibition called Social Lubricant and Water Politics, framed in a new edition of Art Flânerie, Vienna, Austria, 2-10.7.2021, organised by the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to Central Europe, along with Luz Broto, Laia Estruch and Edu Ruiz, from an exclusive reference text written by Albert Sánchez Piñol, BARCELONA, anys 20: Les polítiques de l’aigua; les aigües de la política.

18.2.21 playlist “la soni”. all the songs & bands included in the original novel “la soni”

7.1.21  “la soni”, a first novel? published in Amazon

Rambla Terror Attacks trial

4.5.2020 (postponed to 2021)

new expo online  Reset! Artistes en alerta by La Gòtika Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs featuring Coves 2

25.12.2019 Spanish Chronovisor Biennal d’Art de Girona 12/12/2019-22/02/2020 Casa de la Cultura de la Diputació de Girona, Girona

24.12.2019 9mus@s Larva.01 19/12/2019-16/02/2020 Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs, Sala Gòtica, Lleida

“La beauté commence au moment ou vous décidez d’être vous-même.” ♥ Coco Chanel



14.12.2019 Official invitation Larva.01

4.12.2019 Official invitation Biennal d’Art de Girona

31.8.2019 DIS-CONFORMITATS reopened
until September 27

Com pintar la boira / Cómo pintar la niebla / How to paint the fog

Caragol treu banya..., acrylic, phosphorescent glow
in the dark painting and spray on canvas, 162x114 cm., 2019

12.7.2019 where is wally?? sorry, i mean puigdemont?

Waterloo. Live!
, acrylic and spray on canvas, 114x162 cm.,2019

1.7.2019 DIS-CONFORMITATS........... until 27/9/2019 (closed in august)

official statement:

14.6.19 savethedate: opening at Fundació Felícia Fuster (Camps i Fabrés, 3-11 08006 Barcelona) July 3 19:30 featuring Com pintar la boira project, artistic grant for painting 2019

Yellow ribbon fantasy, acrylic on canvas, 114x162 cm., 2019

6.5.19 rare interview in the templar castle of Gardeny in Lleida. Thanks to Joan & Glòria

1.4.19 finalist short story contest “Històries vives” with el viatge astral de jjgv i fsp, based on real events, the mysterious case of Vargas-Saureu, published in 2020

30.3.19 participation in Arxiu Javelina’s collaboration, by Jordi Antas, in Segre (Dis supplement) for saturday, march 30, 2019

23.1.19 Fundació Felícia Fuster artistic grant for painting
Com pintar la boira, in process
upcoming exhibition

5.12.18 9mus@s. Fake, perfum, gènere i reproducció, bachelor of fine arts thesis published in the Universitat de Barcelona Digital Repository